Why should you use Timeshare Tricks over an attorney?

An attorney will charge a couple of thousand dollars to start. If they do the time consuming task of gathering research they will charge by the hour, then they will take a portion of your winnings.

Joining a class action usually gets results, takes a couple of years and the law firm is the only one who makes money. 

Timeshare Tricks will charge a small amount to cover the cost of buying records, we will do the research and background checks to make certain when we ask for your release from the contract and your money back, the timeshare will know it is better to pay you off and shut you up. Then once you are out and have your money in hand Timeshare Tricks get a small commission. With Timeshare Tricks you may be out of this mess in as quick as 60 days. Plus we will send them a Dispute Notification alerting them you are disputing the purchase and you no longer authorize them to withdraw from your checking account or credit card account.

As soon as you sign up using the "Buy Now" button on the right I will send you a Dispute Notification and a Questionnaire that will help you to remember the sales presentation and what lies you were told.

Want to DIY the work yourself? Check out www.timesharetricks.blogspot.com You can order DIY Get Out ebook. There are sample letter and where to send them. You can even order the research.

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